Miyerkules, Disyembre 16, 2015

Christmas Season

December.  It was the last month the most and waited time of the year where we can smell that the Christmas season is fast approaching. I can now feel the cold breeze that kisses my tan skin in the night bright sky. The sparkling lights designed and put by every house you pass on every street; and the harmonic sounds that often played in churches and market places was absolutely over warming. For sure all of us are excited and can’t wait on Christmas Day

Every one of us has already planned on which and where to spend our Christmas vacation. Some people decided to spend it abroad and some people including me prefer to stay at home with my family and love ones. I can’t wait to open up my gifts given to me from my parents, god parents, relatives and friends. I’m sure all us are excited of it because we are used to receive gifts as a sign of sharing and thanksgiving for each other. 

The true meaning of Christmas season is the birth and coming of Jesus Christ into this world. He is destined as our savior to save us from our sins and also to introduce God to us. We have to remember to thanked God for all that we have because it comes all from him. The best gift we receive on Christmas was not about our money or fancy things we receive but it is God who came into our lives and remain in our hearts not temporarily but forever. And that is the true meaning of sharing and thanksgiving we celebrate.

Martes, Disyembre 8, 2015

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